Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)

Objective: To improve the quality of life especially for urban poor and dis-advantaged by way of proper arrangement of Sanitation and Solid Waste Management components.
Components: Construction of Individual House Hold latrine (IHHL), Community Toilet (CT) & Public Toilet (PT), and Integrated Solid Waste Management.
Coverage area: 125 towns of West Bengal.
Activities: out of total 421490 nos of IHHL construction of 282542 nos IHHL have been completed. Open Defecation Free (ODF) status achieved by 70 towns in 6 Districts, remaining 52 towns of 17 Districts to be declared as ODF shortly. 694 nos of Community Toilet and 267 nos of Public Toilets are under construction. Integrated Solid Waste Management Projects have been initiated in 29 towns. Other towns are being taken up phase by phase as per availability of land.