Step 1
For Paying Property tax through Online Property Tax Information and Collection System (OPTICS) citizen has to type the URL “” in the address bar of Web browser.
Citizen has to click the link “Property Tax Online (Citizen Entry)”.
Step 2
Citizen has to click and Select the District, ULB, Ward, Location, Holding Number step by step from drop down menu and then will click to Proceed for Login.
Step 3
After successful Assessee verification, a window will appear with Citizen Profile and Property Tax collection details with net payment Outstanding details financial year wise. Citizen can choose the quarter up to which he/ she wants to pay but he/she can’t pay for current financial year without clearing the previous financial year’s property tax due. Citizen can click to Proceed for paying the net payable amount.
Step 4
After clicking Proceed, a pop up box will appear where the citizen has to enter his/ her mobile number (mandatory), Email ID(Optional) and has to choose the Payment Gateway available from the dropdown list. Then the citizen will click on Complete Payment tab. A pop up will appear for confirmation of the payment
Step 5
After confirmation the Payment Gateway page will appear. Citizen can choose the preferable Payment option and enter payment details to make the payment.
Step 6
After successful payment receipt will be available in the citizens’ login. Citizen can view the last 5 payment receipt in his/ her login.