Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Urban Livelihoods Mission

Objective: To improve the quality of life of urban poor by way of organising the poor women under one umbrella and providing livelihood support to them & urban youth.
Components:Social Mobilization & Institutional Development; Capacity Building & Training; Employment through Skills Training & Placement; Self Employment Programme; Support to Urban Street Vendors; Shelter for the Urban Homeless; and Innovative & Special Projects.
Coverage area: 128 Urban Local Bodies of West Bengal.
Activities: Total 89851 nos of SHGs involving 1061576 urban poor women have been organized through 2871 registered Area Level Federation & 121 City Level Federations. At total of 88 City Livelihood Centers are operational providing day to day livelihood support to the urban youth. 3184 Individual Entrepreneurs and 79 Group Entrepreneurs started their ventures. 57516 SHGs have been credit linked through disbursement of 1998.93Cr. 116865 urban youth have been provided several Skill Development Trainings. 27 Shelter for Urban Homeless are under construction & 72 units are functional.
1,86,492 Number of Urban Street Vendors received loan (Rs. 10,000/20,000/50,000) under PM SVANidhi scheme and 84,197 Street Vendors have been profiled under SVANidhi se Samriddhi scheme.