Citizen Charter

Different services and stipulated time limit for rendering the services as per WBRTPS Act, 2013

Sl No. Office Services Stipulated Time Limit for Rendering the Service Designated Officer Appellate Officer Reviewing Officer
1 Land Manager Bidhannagar i)  Death Mutation 60(Sixty )  days Land Manager Joint Secretary Secretary/ Principal Secretary
ii)  NOC of Non residential use of Residential Buildings 30(Thirty) days Land Manager Joint Secretary Secretary/ Principal Secretary
iii)  Permission for transfer of land at Bidhannagar & Kalyani 30(Thirty) days Land Manager Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
iv)  Mutation 30(Thirty) days Land Manager Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
2 Urban Land Ceiling Section i)  ULC Clearance 90(Ninety) days Deputy/ Joint Secretary Special Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
ii) Review U/S34 of UL (C&R) Act. 1976 90(Ninety) days Deputy/ Joint Secretary Special Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
3 Estate Manager Kalyani i) Death  Mutation Case for the plots in Kalyani Township 30(Thirty) days Estate Manager Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
ii )  NOC  for taking  House  Building Loan  by Mortgaging  residential plots in Kalyani 30(Thirty) days Estate Manager Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
4 ULBs (Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Notified Area Authorities) Water Supply for Industrial Building 15 Days Concerned Authority of ULB Commissioner / Executive Officer Mayor / Chairman/ Chairperson
5 ULBs (Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Notified Area Authorities) Sanction of Building Plan 30 Days Concerned Authority of ULB Commissioner / Executive Officer Mayor / Chairman/ Chairperson
6 ULBs (Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Notified Area Authorities) Plinth inspection and Certificate of inspection after plinth label completion. 07 Days Concerned Authority of ULB Commissioner /Executive Officer Mayor /Chairman /Cahirperson.
7 ULBs (Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Notified Area Authorities) Occupancy Certificate 08 Days Concerned Authority of ULB Commissioner /Executive Officer Mayor /Chairman /Cahirperson.
8 ULBs (Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Notified Area Authorities) Issuance of Trade License 25 Days Concerned Authority of ULB Commissioner /Executive Officer Mayor /Chairman /Cahirperson.
9 ULBs (Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Notified Area Authorities) Renewal of Trade License 25 Days Concerned Authority of ULB Commissioner /Executive Officer Mayor /Chairman /Cahirperson.


Sl No. Office Services Stipulated Time Limit for Rendering the Service Designated Officer Appellate Officer Reviewing Officer
1. New Town Kolkata Development Authority i) Mutation Certificate 30(Thirty) days CEO Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
ii)   For erection of Sanction of Building 30(Thirty) days CEO Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
iii)   Occupancy Certificate 15(Fifteen) days CEO Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
iv)   Trade Licence 30(Thirty) days CEO Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
v)   Birth & Death  Certicicate 30(Thirty) days CEO Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
vi) Water Connection 15(Fifteen) days CEO Joint Secretary Secretary/Principal Secretary
2. Kolkata Metropoliatan Development Authority i) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days Director of Planning CEO Secretary
ii) Water Connection 15 (Fifteen) days Chief Engineer CEO Secretary
iii)   Sanction of Building Plan 30(Thirty) days Director of Planning CEO Secretary
3. Siliguri Jalpaiguri  Development Authority i) Allotment of Land 60(Sixty ) days CEO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
ii)  Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
iii)   Sanction of Building Plan 15 (Fifteen) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
4. Haldia   Development Authority i) Land  Allotment 60(Sixty ) days Land Manager Assistant Executive Officer CEO
ii)   Water Connection 15 (Fifteen) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
iii Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
5. Assansol-Durgapur  Development Authority i) Land  Allotment 60(Sixty ) days CEO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
ii)   Water Connection 15 (Fifteen) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
iii Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
6. Burdown   Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
7. Tarapith  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
8. Jaigaon  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
9. Midnapur-Kharagpore Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
10. Patharchapuri  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
11. Furfura Sharif  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
12. Digha sankarpore  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
13. Shantiniketan  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days CEO/EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
14. Gangasagar  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
15. Mukutmoipur  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
16. Bakreswar  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
17. Tarakeswar  Development Authority i ) Permission for Development 60(Sixty ) days EO Joint Secretary Special Secretary
Sl No. Office Services Stipulated Time Limit for Rendering the Service Designated Officer Appellate Officer Reviewing Officer
1. West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation i) Approval for change of Promoter-Member of proposed Co-operative Societies 30(thirty) days Special Officer (Marketing) General Manager (Marketing) Joint Managing Director
ii) Transfer of allotment n favour of Legal Heir(s) of the deceased allotte 60(Sixty ) days Special Officer (Marketing) General Manager (Marketing) Joint Managing Director