ভেক্টর বহনকারী রোগের প্রতিরোধ ও নিয়ন্ত্রণ

NVBDCP : - National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme:
  • The programme is implemented as per the guideline of NVBDCP and Dept of Health and Family Welfare.
  • House to House Survey is conducted in all the ULBs for identification of fever cases and mosquito breeding sites in household and peridomestic areas. Reduction of breeding source and awareness generation is also carried out during the survey. The programme is funded by Dept of Health and Family Welfare. This activity has been initiated in 2013.
  • Vector Control Teams are deployed in every ward of all ULBs for carrying out mosquito control activities including management of environments. The programme is funded by Dept of UD & MA.
  • Regular trainings are imparted by SUDA along with Dept of Health and Family Welfare for capacity strengthening of personnel at different levels.
  • Funds are given under Basic Minimum Services head for procuring larvicide, equipments and providing IEC and training.