ল্যান্ড সেল আউটওয়ার্ড লেটার (আবাসিক)

ক্রমিক সংখ্যা নাম ঠিকানা বিষয় প্রদানের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
41 Smt. Sarbani Sinha Plot No.CD-32, Sector-I, Salt Lake, kolkata-700064 Deposit of fees for Mutation of 1/3rd share by way of Will 27-Sep-2018 PDF Icon
42 1.Mr. Sibapada Banerjee 2.Mrs. Aruna Banerjee 3.Mrs. Nina Banerjee 1.86B, Kansaripara Road, kolkata - 700025 2.8E, Mahesh Dutta Lane, kolkata - 700027 3.131, N.S.C.Bose Road, Regent Park Housing Estate, Block-1, Flat No.2, kolkata - 700040 Hearing Notice(AE-714, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, kolkata-64) 14-Sep-2018 PDF Icon
43 Mr. Indranil Chowdhury 6/2A, Creek Lane, Muchipara P.O.-Shankari Tolla kolkata - 700014 Hearing Notice(Plot no.BD-412, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, kolkata) 13-Sep-2018 PDF Icon
44 1.Shri Amalendu Saha 2.Shri Joy Saha Plot No.CE-72, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for using part of the first floor 07-Sep-2018 PDF Icon
45 Mr. Indranil Chowdhury 6/2A, Creek Lane, Muchipara P.O.-Shankari Tolla kolkata - 700014 Hearing Notice(Plot no.BD-412, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, kolkata) 05-Sep-2018 PDF Icon
46 1.Shri Swapan Kumar Chatterjee 2.Smt. Maitree Chatterjee CL-118, 2nd floor, Sector-II, Salt Lake, kolkata - 700091 Deposit of fees for Mutation of 1/3rd share by way of Will 30-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
47 Smt. Sumitra Pal BF-280, Sector-I, Baisakhi Inland, Salt Lake City kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for Deed of Gift of 100% share 29-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
48 1.Bimal Singh Baid 2.Nirmal Kumar Baid 3.Vinit Kumar Baid 4.Sushila Devi Baid Plot no. CK-112, Sector-II, Salt Lake, kolkata-700091 Deposit of fees for Mutation of full share by way of Will 09-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
49 Smt. Madhumita Saha BK-375, Sector-II, Salt Lake kolkata - 700091 Deposit of fees for Mutation of 50% share by way of Will 09-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
50 Smt. Neelam Mehta Plot no.DL-152, Sector-II Salt Lake, kolkata 700091 Deposit of fees for Mutation of full share by way of Will 07-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
51 1.Shri Dilip kumar Sarawgi 2.Smt. Kamal Kumar Sarawgi Plot No.EC-249, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of fees for Mutation of 100% share by way of Will Probate Concerning Plot No.CB-178, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, kolkata - 700064 06-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
52 1.Smt. Rita Banerjee 2.Shri Dipankar Banerjee Plot No.CD-33, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for using part of the ground floor in respect of plot of land bearing No.CD-32, Sector-I, Salt Lake, kolkata - 700064 of Bidhannagar 03-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
53 Smt. Sarmila Mitra Plot no.HB-167, Sector-III Salt Lake, kolkata -700106 Deposit of fees for Mutation of 50% share by away of Will 02-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
54 The Secretary SRABANTI Co-opeartive Housing Society Ltd. FD-2, 3 & 4, Sector-III, Salt lake kolkata-700106 Deposit of permission fees for transfer in respect of Falt No.7 of SRABANTI Co-opeartive Housing Society Ltd. FD-2, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, kolkata-700106. 02-Aug-2018 PDF Icon
55 Smt. Satya Bhama Khemka Plot No.BG-13, Sector-II, Salt Lake kolkata - 700091 Deposit of permission fees for letting out/using part of the roof top 25-Jul-2018 PDF Icon
56 1.Prodyot Kumar Dutta 2.Arindam Dutta CD-216, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for letting out/using part of the ground floor 23-Jul-2018 PDF Icon
57 Smt. Sulagna Basu AE-647, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for using part of the ground and first floor 20-Jul-2018 PDF Icon
58 Sri Prasanta Kumar Thakur BE-54, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for letting out/using part of the ground floor 20-Jul-2018 PDF Icon
59 Shri Prakash Chandra Dutta Plot No.CE-101, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for using part of the ground floor 17-Jul-2018 PDF Icon
60 1.Sri Partha Dutta 2.Smt. Sumit Das 3.Smt. Sanchita Nag BE-31, Sector-I, Salt Lake kolkata - 700064 Deposit of permission fees for letting out/using part of the ground floor 17-Jul-2018 PDF Icon